Improving the customer experience: a guide to measurement and action

By Vocé Group
Experiencia del cliente: guía para medir y actuar - Vocé Group

Are you frustrated by the lack of information on how to improve your customers’ experience?

Hello to all readers of this blog! Today we are going to dive into a crucial topic for any company looking to stand out in today’s market: customer experience (CX). And who better than Santiago Gómez, our Senior Customer Experience Analyst at Vocé, to guide us through this fascinating world.

How to measure customer experience in a company?

“Without technology as an enabler, it’s very difficult,” Santiago tells us. One of the key tools he mentions is the Qualtrics platform. Through it, different methods can be used to measure CX, such as solicited feedback. This involves actively inviting the customer to provide feedback, either through mail surveys, WhatsApp, or even QR codes at the company’s physical facilities.

On the other hand, there is unsolicited feedback. This type of information is obtained when the customer interacts with the company digitally, such as when browsing a website. From this experience it is possible to capture some signals that affect the user’s journey with our brand, this is called “frustration signals”, these can be represented by fast clicks or mouse movements, which indicate that something is not working properly.

In addition, the importance of unstructured data is mentioned, which includes opinions on social networks such as Twitter or reviews on Google. All of this provides a more complete view of the customer experience.

Key CX Metrics

Among the most important metrics, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) stands out. This recommendation index is based on the question of how willing customers are to recommend the company. It is scored from 0 to 10, where only 9 and 10 are considered positive. “Anything less than a resounding yes is a resounding no,” on this scale.

Other essential metrics include Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), agility, wait times, and resolution of concerns. These metrics, when correlated with NPS, reveal which aspects determine whether a customer will be a brand promoter or detractor.

Interpreting CX Measurement Results

Interpreting the results is key, and this is where technology and consulting come into play. Qualtrics provides the data, but it is critical to know what to do with it. Vocé offers guidance in the use of technology and analysis of results.

A framework is followed: Listen, Analyze and Act. The crucial thing is to move to action, as many companies stay at the data collection stage without implementing changes. Vocé supports both operational and strategic aspects, from the creation of Customer Journey Maps to the translation of these into the Qualtrics platform.

Using the Results to Improve the Customer Experience

This is where it all comes to life. Data alone is not enough; you need the ability to act. Santiago shares an example with a bank, where they found that customers had a higher NPS in smaller branches. However, converting all branches to this format was not feasible. Instead, they focused on other aspects, such as employee experience, to improve service.

It is crucial to identify the service attributes that are important to the customer and that the company can influence. For example, in a bank, the cost of credit may not be directly linked to the experience, but it does affect the recommendation.

Measuring customer experience is more than collecting data; it’s about understanding how that data can drive real improvements. Thanks to tools like Qualtrics and advice from experts like the Vocé team, companies can not only measure their CX, but also act on it to deliver exceptional experiences.

Now that we have explored this topic with our expert and learned how Qualtrics can be a key ally in this process, I invite you to reflect on the customer experience in your company. What metrics are you using? How could you improve the interpretation of the results? The road to an exceptional customer experience is in front of us!

To learn more about how Qualtrics can help your company measure and improve customer experience, visit their website here. And if you’re looking for expert CX advice, don’t hesitate to contact the Vocé team. 

We hope this blog has been informative and has inspired you to take concrete steps towards an exceptional customer experience in your company – see you in the next article!


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Improving the customer experience: a guide to measurement and action

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